Dr. Sheila Bennett

Dr. Sheila Bennett (Professor; Brock University, Ontario) is a professor emeritus in the Faculty of Education at Brock University. Upon completion of her graduate work at the University of Toronto, Dr. Bennett held a number of school and school board-based positions prior to joining the Faculty of Education at Brock. She brings her practical experiences as an educator to the field of research, providing a blend of theory and practice essential to bridging the gap between what we do in classrooms and how we understand those actions in the larger context. Her research centres on inclusion for students with diverse needs. She has presented nationally and abroad, and has authored and co-edited numerous books, chapters, monographs and articles, including: Special Education in Ontario Schools: If inclusion means everyone, why not me? (ARCH Disability Law Centre, Community Living Ontario); Community Inclusion Initiative Report on the Delivery of Education Services for Students Who Have an Intellectual Disability in the Province of Ontario (Community Living Ontario); Including Students with Exceptionalities, and A Canadian Perspective on the Inclusion of Students with Intellectual Disabilities in High Schools.
Through her research work, publications, and speaking engagements, she has developed collaborative relationships with universities, school boards, and community associations (e.g., Six Nations Aboriginal Community Consortium; Ontario Brain Injury Association) across Canada.
Research Interests
- Inclusion
- Special education policy
- Acquired brain injury
- Service integration for students in diverse classrooms