Selected Current Publications

Please note: Centre-affiliated researchers' names appear in bold type. Graduate students' names are underlined.

Selected Recent Journal Articles

Gallagher, T.L., Bennett, S., Somma, M. & White, R. (2024). A work in progress: Inclusion for students with developmental disabilities from the perspectives of principals and teachers. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 1-18.

Savage, M., Woloshyn, V., Maich, K, & Penney, S. (2023). Stress, coping, and well-being in teachers and school administrators. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 69(4), 492-513. 

Sider, S., Maich, K., Specht, J., Treadgold, C., & Winger, H. (2023). “Choose your own adventure”: Web-based case studies of inclusive education as a form of professional learning for school principals. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 18(1), 132–154. 

Villella, M., & Sider, S. (2023). Un aperçu de la violence et des comportements agressifs auxquels sont confrontées sept directions d’école de langue française au Canada. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 203, 54-71. 

Response to Covid-19 Challenges:

The Covid-19 pandemic demanded a quick response to gather and share insights. Dr. Jessica Whitley led a team comprised of Centre members Specht, MacCormack, Matheson, Maich and Sider to research and report on diversity at a distance and the lessons learned from families supporting students with special education needs during remote learning. Citations:

MacCormack, J., Fitzgerald, C., Whitley, J. & Sider, S. (2022). “Listen, adjust and repeat”: Principals’ and parents’ perspectives of home-school collaboration during emergency remote teaching in Canada. Leadership & Policy in Schools.  

Whitley, J., Matheson, I. A., Specht, J. & MacCormack, J. (2022). Perspectives of parents of children with special education needs (SEN): Self-efficacy and school supports during COVID-10. Exceptionality Education International, 31(1), 97-114. 

Whitley, J., Specht, J., Matheson, I., & MacCormack, J. (2022). Holes, patches, and multiple hats: The experiences of parents of students with special education needs navigating at-home learning during COVID-19. In R. Turok-Squire (Ed.), COVID-19 and education in the global north: Storytelling as alternative pedagogies. Palgrave Macmillan.

Whitley, J., MacCormack, J., Matheson, I., Specht, J., Sider, S., & Maich, K. (2020). Diversity via distance: Lessons learned from families supporting students with special education needs during remote learning. Education Canada, 60(4).

For more information visit: 

Bennett, S., Specht, J., Somma, M. et al. (2020). Navigating school interactions: Parents of students with intellectual disabilities speak out. Current Developmental Disorders Report 7, 149–154

Delorey, J., Specht, J., Fairbrother, M., Ismailos, L., Villella, M., Charles, E., Vanderloon, M., Gallagher, T., Howell, G., & Whitley, J. (2020). Experiences that shape pre-service teachers’ inclusive practice beliefs. International Journal of Inclusive Education.

MacCormack, J., Sider, S., Maich, K., & Specht, J. (2021). Self-determination and inclusion: The role of Canadian principals in catalysing inclusive-positive practices. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 17(2). 

Maich, K., Sider, S., Morvan, J., Specht, J., & Smith, D. (2020). Making the unknown or invisible accessible: The collaborative development of inclusion-focused open access case studies for principals and other school leaders. Exceptionality Education International Special Issue, 30(2), 68-79.

Sider, S., Maich, K., Morvan, J., Villella, M., Ling, P., & Repp, C. (2021). Inclusive school leadership: Examining the experiences of school principals in supporting students with special education needs. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 21(2). 

Sider, S. & Villella, M. (2020). Violence in schools: What can we learn from critical incidents? Canadian Association of Principals Journal, Winter 2020.

Somma, M., & Bennett, S. (2020). Inclusive education and pedagogical change: Experiences from the front lines. International Journal of Educational Methodology, 6(2), 285-295.

Young, G. D., Philpott, D., Butler, E., Maich, K. & Penney, S. C. (2019). Exploring the impact of quality early child education on special education: Can we prevent placement in special education? Exceptionality Education International, 29(3), 6-21.  

Books and Book Chapters

Maich, K. (2023). Ableism: Deal with it and appreciate everyone’s abilities. James Lormier & Company.

Ableism: Deal With It Book Cover

Sider, S., & Maich, K. (Eds.). (2022). Leadership for inclusive schools: Real cases from real leaders. Rowman & Littlefield. Note: Contributors include nine additional members of the Centre. 

Cover of Book Leadership for Inclusive Schools

Bennett, S., Gallagher T., Somma, M., White, R. & Woldczyk, K (2020) Transitioning from segregation to inclusion: An effective and sustainable model to promote inclusion through internal staffing adjustments and role redefinition.  In Goldan, J., Lambrecht, J & Loreman T. Resourcing Inclusive Education, Vol 15.  Emerald Publishing.  

Bennett, S., Gallagher, T., Somma, M., with Dworet, D. (2019). Special education in Ontario schools (8th Ed.). Burlington, ON: Highland Press.