Dr. Jenn de Lugt

Dr. Jenn de Lugt's current teaching and research is focused on mental health promotion in school settings. Specifically, she is looking at the ways in which educative mental health programs in schools can advance mental health literacy, foster open dialogue, reduce stigma, and enhance the overall wellbeing of students, and the teachers who teach them. Advocating for change, Jenn believes schools are well positioned, through mental health promotional programming and initiatives, to support the mental health of children and youth through their schooling years and beyond.
Dr. Jenn de Lugt received her PhD in education from Queen's University in 2016. She is an Associate Professor in Inclusive Education and Educational Psychology at the University of Regina. Dr. de Lugt is the Canadian represent to the Global Research Alliance (GRA) based at Flinders University in Australia. The Alliance is a cooperative research group involving 16 countries in research related to teacher and student mental health and wellbeing. The current study proposed by the Alliance is entitled: "Teacher Wellbeing: Challenges and Teacher Retention". Dr. de Lugt is also the Co-editor of Exceptionality Education International (EEI) - the international journal with a focus on inclusive education.
Research Interests
- Inclusive education
- Student mental health
- School-based mental health initiatives
- Teacher and student mental health literacy