Dr. Leyton Schnellert

Associate Professor
Dr. Leyton Schnellert is an Associate Professor in UBC’s Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy and Eleanor Rix Professor of Rural Teacher Education. His scholarship attends to how teachers and teaching and learners and learning can mindfully embrace student diversity and inclusive education. Dr. Schnellert is the primary lead for the Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship’s (CIIC) Inclusive Education research strand, Pedagogy and Participation research cluster lead in UBC’s Institute for Community Engaged Research (ICER), and co-chair of BC’s Rural Education Advisory. His community-based collaborative work contributes a counterargument to top-down approaches that operate from deficit models, instead drawing from communities’ funds of knowledge to build participatory, place-conscious, and culturally sustaining practices. Dr. Schnellert has been a middle and secondary school classroom teacher and a learning resource teacher K-12. His books, films, and research articles are widely referenced in local, national, and international contexts.
Research interests/projects
Principal Investigator
Growing Innovations in Rural Sites of Learning with BC’s Rural Education Advisory. Funded by SSHRC. $195,000 over three years.
Rural and Remote Teacher Education: An innovative hybrid approach. Funded by UBC’s TLEF. $187,000 over two years.
Through a Different Lens (TADL). Funded by Vancouver Foundation. $150,000 over three years. Developing
Relational Accountability through Education Change Networks with Sara Florence Davidson and Nikki Yee. Funded by SSHRC. $281,000 over four years.
We Deserve to Work! Social Theatre to Position Adults with Development Disabilities as Self-Advocates with Community Living Society and Massey Theatre. Funded by Vancouver Foundation. $300,000 over three years.
The BC Transitioning Youth with Disabilities and Employment Project: The TYDE Project. SSHRC/CIHR Joint Healthy and Productive Work Initiative Partnership Grant, 1.3 million over five years.
Twitter: @LeytonSchnell
LinkedIn: Leyton Schnellert